Apple Cider Vinegar is made by allowing alcoholic fermentation to freshly squeezed out apple juice. The fermentation is aided by adding yeast or bacteria that can convert the sugars in the apple to alcohol. But it doesn’t just stop there. The fermented juice is subjected to Acetobacter bacterium that converts it into the sour tasting vinegar juice which is widely used to elevate taste in cooking, baking and salad dressing. It is also used as a preservative because of its acidic properties that can kill any food spoiling bacteria.
What is so magical about Apple Cider Vinegar?
The effectively proven uses of Apple Cider Vinegar are many that it mandates a book of its own!
It has been widely used in traditional medicine to aid weight loss and fight against type 2 diabetes by increasing insulin levels. It has been also known to contain the chemical compound known as polyphenols that can prevent the tumorous proliferation of cells.
If you’re looking for homemade facial packs to eliminate acne and get a healthier younger skin or if you’re looking for a new mouthwash with antibacterial properties or if you’re just looking forward to add some flavour and texture to your homemade cakes or even soups, then in all cases diluted apple cider vinegar might pleasantly surprise you.
The antibacterial properties of vinegar have also been claimed to soothe a sore throat when it is diluted with water and gargled. Also, washing foods with vinegar has shown to do away with harmful E. coli and Salmonella bacteria. It has been found through a three-month study that women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), who drank just one tablespoon of diluted apple cider vinegar after dinner, have shown significant improvement in regulating menstrual cycles and managing hormone levels. Dilution is essential because the acidic nature of raw vinegar could burn the throat, corrode the teeth enamel or increase stomach acidity levels which might cause ulcer and other gastrointestinal issues. It is recommended to visit a physician if any of the side effects like nausea or an upset stomach occurs after ingestion.
According to Dr. Eric Berg DC, the benefits of apple cider vinegar are numerous.
Number one is digestion. It speeds up digestion and activates enzymes so a lot of these enzymes in the stomach, in the pancreas, and other places in the body are dormant and it takes certain things to activate them and acid is one of the activators of the enzymes in the stomach to help you break down protein. So right there that’s going to help speed up digestion.
Number two it’s going to control pathogens If you think about it
you have pickles you have fermented vegetables that are in acid. That acid in
there is preserving that food and preventing bacterial growth. So when you
consume an acid actually lowers the pathogens in the body that helps in the
overgrowth of certain microbes especially even a condition called SIBO-
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth which is a condition where
you have bacteria growing in the wrong place you have all this bacteria growing
in the small intestine instead of the large intestine and so if your pH is not
strong enough in the stomach you can actually develop that condition. So if
you take apple cider vinegar it can help create a condition where the microbes
cannot thrive in the small intestine.
Number three it helps you absorb minerals
Minerals like calcium magnesium and iron all need certain pH to be absorbed if
the pH in your stomach is too alkaline you’re not going to absorb as many
minerals also vitamins vitamin K vitamin C and even b12 need this acid to be
absorbed all right.
Number four it can decrease gas bloating and even indigestion.
So the last thing you want is undigested food in your digestive tract. So apple cider vinegar just speeds up the breakdown of food so you have more of a complete digestion. One cause of gas is an incomplete protein digestion.
Number five it decreases acid reflux
Now, normally what happens in the stomach is you have to have an acid of between one and three-very very acidic- to be able to have that valve on the top close and prevent the backup of acid that comes in your esophagus so when you lose your stomach acid the valve doesn’t close and the acid can reflux up and the term for that is GERD and so you would take in any asset and you feel better but the next time you eat it’s worse why because you’re making that acid less acid and so over time that valve just stays open and you have a constant reflux and you’re
dependent on these medications. Well here’s the thing, if you take apple cider
vinegar it helps the valve close more, improving the symptoms of acid reflux
and GERD. The exact opposite thing you would think that would work but it does
work. Now even if you look at the side effects of taking medication for acid
reflux and GERD, it’s the same thing. So the side effect is that you get
at more acid reflux it doesn’t make sense.
Number six it helps to release bile
The bile is made in your liver and it’s released from the gallbladder and there’s a certain signal from the stomach of having a certain amount of acid that then triggers the release of the bile. So apple cider vinegar can help release the bile that’s congested that’s why you probably have less bloating when you take it also the enzymes from the pancreas can release so you have more complete digestion
Number seven you get more of a complete breakdown with protein
So the protein can then turn into its amino acids which are the building blocks of protein and you need a certain acid to activate the enzymes to do that. Apple cider vinegar can contribute to those acids.
Number eight blood sugar improvement
Apple cider vinegar can help you make glucose more sensitive so you have less insulin resistance and thereby less insulin being produced and that can directly cause more weight loss. So when you hear these claims about apple cider vinegar helping you lose weight this is why. Also, it’s going to help you lower cholesterol -why because when you reduce insulin you lower cholesterol it’s probably going to also help with blood pressure, and anything related to high levels of insulin it can improve.
Number Nine – it can help your immune system
Apple cider vinegar can stimulate the white blood cells to speed up and help fight infection.
So as you can see there are many benefits of apple cider vinegar so go ahead and take between one and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in some water- I usually use 16 ounces I like to put lemon juice in there as well you can use a straw so it doesn’t affect your teeth and you can take it before a meal after a meal I take mine in the evening right about 6:00 o’clock.
Though there isn’t any groundbreaking scientific evidence to prove the benefits discussed above, people have felt its magic by consumption. Nevertheless, it is an easy home made remedy that is definitely worth a try. The key is to take in moderation and dilute it appropriately before consumption.